Dear Authors/Co-authors of the submitted poster abstracts,
we would like to announce with pleasure that your abstracts were accepted. Please follow the Poster Session presentation and contest instructions (see the program):
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We cordially invite you to participate in the 28th Gliwice Scientific Meetings, which will be held on 21-22 Nov 2024!
This year the conference program include:
The Mieczysław Chorąży Lecture 2024 by Prof. Theresa Whiteside from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Functional Genomics of Cancer
- Immune Background of Human Diseases
- Clinical Proteomics and Metabolomics
- Preclinical Imaging
- Poster Session (including Award for Best Poster Presentation)
Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w XI Śląskich Spotkaniach Naukowych, które odbędą się w dniach 17-19 maja 2024 roku w hotelu "Diament" w Ustroniu.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We cordially invite you to participate in the 27th Gliwice Scientific Meetings, which will be held on 16-17 Nov 2023.
This year the conference program includes:
The Mieczysław Chorąży Lecture 2023 by Prof. Victor Ambros from the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA.
- Helical structures, molecular crowding and nuclear processes
- Role of the helix in RNA
- Cancer Proteomics and Metabolomics
- Artificial Intelligence in computational approaches to molecular biology and medicine
- Poster Session (including Award for Best Poster Presentation)
We cordially invite you to participate in the 10th Silesian Scientific Meetings, which will take place on May 19-21, 2023 in Pokrzywna.
Meetings will be conducted in Polish, in the form of oral presentations (15-10 minutes). We can accommodate only first 60 people that will apply.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We cordially invite you to participate in the 26th Gliwice Scientific Meetings, which will be held on 18-19 Nov 2022.
This year planned sessions include:
The Mieczysław Chorąży Lecture 2022 by Prof. Philip Maini (Oxford, UK)
New Strategies in Experimental Cancer Therapies
Biology of Extracellular Vesicles
Modifications of Nucleic Acids and Cancer
Oncology Meets Physics and Mathematics
Poster Session (including Award for Best Poster Presentation)
Conference Registration starts on September 1st, 2022.
Information from "NanoTemper's Team"
Szanowni Państwo,
Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w IX Śląskich Spotkaniach Naukowych, które odbędą się w dniach 27-28 maja 2022 roku. Celem tych spotkań, podobnie jak w poprzednich latach, jest wymiana informacji i nawiązanie współpracy naukowej między zespołami prowadzącymi badania w różnych dziedzinach biotechnologii medycznej i środowiskowej, bioinformatyki, ale także w naukach podstawowych, inżynierii i biologii systemów, i innych. Spotkania prowadzone będą w języku polskim, w formie prezentacji ustnej (7-10 minut), limit miejsc 50 osób - decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We cordially invite you to participate in the jubilee 25th Gliwice Scientific Meetings
This year planned sessions include:
Professor Mieczysław Chorąży – 70 years of research on tumor biology
Regulation of Gene Expression
Cancer Moonshot – Early Detection of Lung Cancer
Targeted Drug Delivery and Experimental Therapies
Radiation Biology and Medicine
Digital Poster Session (including Award for Best Poster Presentation)
Given the ongoing and expected effects of COVID-19, we plan to hold a hybrid type meeting with a limited number of participants in person and with online access to a wider audience.
Dear Gliwice Scientific Meeetings enthusiasts!
This year's Meeting is history. Our 24th conference, GSM 2020 was concluded on November 21st.
Thinking ahead: in the near future we shall start registration for the next year meeting.
The next - 25th GSM is to be held on November, 2021.
You are cordially invited to attend!
The Organizing Committee
Dear Colleagues,
The XXIVth Gliwice Scientific Meetings will be held on November 20, 2020 (Friday). Due to COVID-19 pandemia restrictions the Conference will take place this year in the virtual meeting formula. No registration fee will be required this year, however the registration is still mandatory. Registration and posters (digital only !) will be accepted until November 13, 2020.
All posters should be prepared using our template.
The Organizing Committee
Dear Gliwice Scientific Meeetings enthusiasts!
In the near future we shall start registration for the next year meeting.
The next - 24th GSM is to be held on 20-21 November, 2020.
You are cordially invited to attend!
The Organizing Committee
Dear Friend and Colleagues,
The 23rd Gliwice Scientific Meetings (22-23.11.2019) is coming. Please note important dates:
01.10.2019 Start of the registration (via conference web page)
03.11.2019 (24:00 CET) End of abstract submission (there will be no extensions)
08.11.2019 (24:00 CET) End of early registration
21.11.2019 (24:00 CET) End of late registration (we cannot guarantee participation in conference dinner and conference materials)
The recommended and maximal poster size is A0 (84,1 cm width x 118,9 cm height)
Complete registration fee is 500 PLN including the cost of participation in the conference Dinner (or 400 PLN without dinner).
The Organizing Committee
GSM 202428th Gliwice Scientific Meetings21-22 Nov 2024, Gliwice, Poland |